Concordat for Researcher Development Action Plan 2022-25


Principle 1: Environment and Culture



Success Measure



Appoint a professorial lead for key strategic areas including integrity and metrics; culture and career development; KE and Public Engagement; and impact.

  • Professorial Lead appointed for Research Culture (including excellence, integrity, metrics, EDI).
  • Professorial Lead appointed for KE.
  • Professorial Lead appointed for Researcher Development.

October 2022



October 2022


October 2022


Ensure School, Research Centre and Professional Service Operational Plans are aligned with strategic priorities for research and KE and provide transparent and robust enablers.

  • Concordat action plans for KE, RD and Research Integrity are visible and underpin strategic priorities in School, Research Centre and Professional service operational plans.
  • Progress in delivering the concordats measured using agreed ¶¶ÒõÊÓƵ CEDARS KPI’s.

August 2024






August 2025




Promote a working environment that supports the mental health and wellbeing of researchers to fulfil their roles and responsibilities.

  • CRS are aware of the mental health and wellbeing support and training available and how to access these through the dedicated CRS Intranet page, evidenced by an increase in the number of staff responding positively  to the following questions in CEDARS under Environment and Culture.

Staff feel the institution:

  • Actively promotes the importance of good mental health and wellbeing.
  • The working environment supports mental health and wellbeing.
  • New ¶¶ÒõÊÓƵ Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy implemented and promoted to all staff groups including CRS.
  • All Research Managers are aware of their responsibilities in terms of supporting staff mental health and wellbeing and have undertaken the  essential Managing Stress at Work training, evidenced by training uptake rates and an increase in the number of staff responding positively to the following questions in CEDARS under Employment: Managers felt confident Supporting health and wellbeing.



CEDARS results 23/25


April 2023














Awareness and training undertaken by January 2023.


CEDARS results 23/25


Implement transparent and robust policy and processes to support researchers reporting bullying, harassment, discrimination and research misconduct.

  • Revised Dignity in Work and Study Policy implemented and promoted to all staff groups including CRS.
  • CRS are familiar with the new Dignity in Work and Study Policy and the range of reporting and support mechanisms available to them, evidenced by an increase in the number of staff responding positively  to the following questions in CEDARS under Environment and Culture

Staff have:

  • Felt comfortable reporting bullying and harassment.
  • Felt comfortable reporting discrimination.
  • Further evidenced by review of patterns and trends in relation to both formal and informal Dignity at Work casework.


  • CRS are familiar with the reporting arrangements and support available them when reporting research misconduct, evidenced by an increase in the number of staff responding positively to the following questions in CEDARS under the Concordat for Research Integrity.
  • Trust my institution to investigate any reported incidents of research misconduct fairly.
  • Trust that my institution would take action after such an investigation.

Further evidenced by review of patterns and trends in relation to both formal and informal Dignity at Work casework.

January 2023











CEDARS results 23/25




















CEDARS results 23/25


Roll out and embed the Concordat to Support Research Integrity Self-Assessment Toolkit.

  • CEDARS targets on staff awareness of the Concordat for Research Integrity.
  • Responsibility for the Concordat for Research Integrity embedded in the CRDWG and Research Centres with principles fully embedded in our research culture.
  • Annual reporting to University Court on compliance with the Concordat for Research Integrity.
  • Professorial Lead appointed for Research Culture (including excellence, integrity, metrics, EDI).
  • Ongoing investment in institutional membership of the UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO), participation in the Scottish Research Integrity Network (SRIN) and monitoring of uptake of training by researchers at all career stages.

July 2023



August 2023





November 2022/23/24




October 2022



August 2025


Implement new systems and processes for the governance of research ethics and ensure alignment with national guidance on safeguarding and research.

  • New ¶¶ÒõÊÓƵ internal ethics management information system procured and implemented.
  • New institutional policy on Safeguarding and Research supported by clear processes, training and awareness raising launched.
  • Institutional guidance, training and support for NHS Ethics and Governance enhanced

December 2022.




November 2022.







July 2023





Review and enhance Research Data Management (RDM) policies, governance and associated training to ensure that research data are managed to meet requirements of collaborators, funders and research participants.

  • Quarterly RDM Working Group meetings held to review University RDM policies and procedures.
  • Transparent governance and visibility of RDM within institution and compliance with the Concordat for Research Integrity and Concordat for Open Research Data.
  • CRS staff representatives appointed to RDM Working Group.
  • RDM policies and procedures aligned to funder, collaborator and research participants’ requirements.

July 2023



January 2023






October 2022



July 2023


Implement new systems and processes for the co-ordination and implementation of shared research infrastructure.

  • Create a researcher-led process and promote a central point for institutional research resources to enable sharing of digital and other research resources.
  • Named lead for IS research software and approving digital research resources and data management identified.

September 2023





October 2022


As a signatory to DORA and LEIDEN manifesto, build on and enhance institutional principles to support the responsible use of metrics.



  • Professorial Lead appointed for Research Culture (including excellence, integrity, metrics, EDI).
  • Institutional commitments to the responsible use of metrics (DORA and LEIDEN) underpinned with visible enabling processes and procedures.

October 2022




December 2023





Commit to ongoing participation in the Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey (CEDARS) to monitor excellence in our research culture and environment and allow for national benchmarking and longitudinal comparison.

  • Increased participation in CEDARS and enhanced performance against national benchmarking data.

August 2025


Take account of CRS feedback on HR policies as part of HR policy review.   Where policy reviews involve stakeholder feedback then involve CRS in focus groups/feedback sessions.


  • CRS feedback incorporated into relevant HR policies. 
  • HR policies provide clear guidance to CRS demonstrated through feedback from CRS.

Evidenced by an increase in number of staff responding positively to the following questions in CEDARS

  • Staff believe the institution valued contributions to institutional Policy and Decision Making.
  • Staff agreed/agreed strongly they had opportunities to participate in Decision Making Processes.










CEDARS results 23/25







Principle 2: Employment



Success Measure



HR policy review to ensure transparent and equitable access for contract researchers to enhance terms of employment, career pathways and professional and career development.

  • Increased transparency of reward and recognition opportunities for CRS by providing a range of tailored guidance (guide & awareness session), evidenced by an increase in the number of staff responding positively to the following question in CEDARS under Employment
  • Staff believe promotion and progression processes are fair
  • End of contract process for CRS remaining at ¶¶ÒõÊÓƵ facilitates continuity for access to key systems (IT, facilities).

April 2023









CEDARS results 23/25


Align with sector best practice and consider how narrative CV resources can be fully embedded.

  • Pilot programme of narrative CV initiatives in line with UKRI Alternative Users Group developments.

December 2023


Improve clarity and support for the use of AWAM and its application to CRS through AWAM annual review, invite CRS to contribute to review.

  • Feedback from CRS and Research Managers as part of the annual review to ensure AWAM is aiding with excellent people management.

September 2022/annually


Enhance support for researchers returning from periods of absence e.g., parental leave or secondments.

  • Return to Work Plan designed to support staff returning from period of leave reviewed to ensure relevance for CRS.
  • Research managers and CRS are aware of support mechanisms available to staff through updates, training, institutional and local induction, intranet pages, including CRS returning from periods of absence using appropriate template support plans.

January 2023




September 2023


Engage in sector developments to address precarity in research careers.

  • HR engaged on sector developments through relevant UHRS Network and UHR Special Interest Group and other groups as appropriate.
  • Sector developments in this area discussed at regular intervals to inform HR policy review, as appropriate.
  • Align with the work of the SFC PGR Advisory Group.










December 2024

Principle 3: Professional and Career Development



Success Measure



Promote and monitor uptake of the institutional policy for 10 days professional development for research and KE. 

  • CRS aware of 10 days professional development commitment via CRS intranet site, CRS Induction Plan and through discussions with their line manager, evidenced by an increase in CRS responding positively to the following questions within CEDARS under Professional and Career Development
  • Staff spend or have spent 10 or more days on professional development.
  • CRS Managers are fully aware of their responsibility to support CRS to undertake 10 days professional development for research and KE and are actively encouraging CRS to engage in professional development activities through regular dialogue in 121s and PER conversations.  This will be evidenced by an increase in CRS responding positively to the following questions within CEDARS under Professional and Career Development
  • Staff spend or have spent 10 or more days on professional development.

And under Employment

  • Have participated in PER.
  • Have found PER useful.

January 2023 and ongoing









CEDARS results 23/25















CEDARS results 23/25


Ensure ¶¶ÒõÊÓƵ sabbatical policy and other mechanisms for researcher development are visible and embedded.

  • CRS are aware of opportunities for researcher development through institutional and local induction, intranet pages, researcher development training programme
  • CRS are aware of how to access opportunities for researcher development, evidenced by the number of staff responding positively to the following questions in CEDARS under Professional and Career Development
  • Staff are encouraged to engage in personal and career development activities.
  • Managers of CRS are aware of how CRS can access and put into practice opportunities for researcher development evidenced by the number of staff responding positively to the following questions in CEDARS under Professional and Career Development.
  • Staff are encouraged to engage in personal and career development activities.

April 2023


















CEDARS results 23/25



Provide training and guidance for managers in undertaking effective development conversations.


  • Effective development conversations in PER discussions are further embedded in manager development training, to include coaching conversations.

This will be evidenced by an increase in Research Managers responding positively to the following questions within CEDARS

  • Confident in Supporting Researchers towards Career Aspirations.
  • Confident in Managing Researcher Appraisal/Reviews.
  • And an increased number of research staff who
  • Agreed/agreed strongly that their manager/supervisor encouraged Personal and Career Development


September 2023









CEDARS results 23/25


Strengthen support and infrastructure for researcher development by growing external and collaborative researcher training and mentoring, including the teaching, research and academic Mentoring Scheme (TRAMS).

  • Long term investment in TRAMS with 100% increase in TRAMS mentoring partnerships from 24 in 2022 to 48 in 2025.





September 2025


Support ECRs and CRS in consolidating external research identities and profiles.

  • Investment, procurement and implementation of an institutional Research Management System.
  • ¶¶ÒõÊÓƵ role as a partner in key external ECR and CRS Networks

e.g. the British Academic ECR Network (Scotland) and Developments is elevated.

August 2025



August 2025




New guidance to enhance systems and support for researcher identity


  • Clear institutional definitions for Early Career Researchers (ECRs), Contract Research Staff (CRS), Practitioner Researchers, routes to independence and Research Centre membership and engagement are refreshed and published.
  • ECRs identified by research managers during PER or development discussion with researchers and recorded on I-Trent system.

Evidenced by

  • Annual monitoring of number of ECRs identified  

 December 2023








February 2023



Provide a clear KE and impact career pathway.

  • KE and impact career pathway embedded into the University’s criteria for academic promotion.


January 2024


Gather and publish data on the career destinations and subsequent career   paths of researchers. 

  • Case Studies produced and shared.
  • Process for data capture and benchmarking established.


November  2023


Review how we support internal and external collaboration through sector researcher development, research leadership and ECR networks.

  • Increase the number of collaborative initiatives with other HEIs and partners.
  • Enhance support for key staff groups – ECRs, CRS, Mid-late Researchers and those with protected characteristics.

August 2025


August 2025




Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey


Concordat for Researcher Development Working Group


Contract Research Staff



Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


Early Career Researcher


Higher Education Institution


Knowledge Exchange


Key Performance Indicator

LEIDEN Manifesto

- Ten principles to guide research evaluation


Performance Enhancement Review


Post Graduate Researcher


The 3 defining principles of the CRD: Environment and Culture; Employment; Professional and Career Development


Researcher Development


Research Data Management


Individuals who have direct line management responsibility for researchers including principal or

co-investigators, senior researchers, Heads of Division and Heads of Department.


Research Knowledge and Exchange Development Unit


Scottish Funding Council


Scottish Research Integrity Network


Teaching, Research and Academic Mentoring Scheme



Universities Human Resources Scotland